A carnivore podcast about life, THE MEAT OF IT is a series of solo rants and unusual conversations hosted by Michaelanthony, an artist from NYC. Over 3 years into a 100% carnivore diet for better health ― on an individual and global level ― Michaelanthony shares his zero carb philosophy and everyday adventures with you and his guests. (The chats aren’t always between two carnivores, but they’re always between two freethinkers.) Animal-based nutrition saved Michaelanthony’s life. Now he’s sharing and learning as much as he can about the rest of life’s unexpected truths. Let’s do more than chew the fat. Let’s get to THE MEAT OF IT!

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Quitting Cheese and Eggs?! (Carnivore Diet)
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
I just can’t seem to control myself with cheese!
Cheese is healthy in moderation. Especially raw cheeses. But I’m a cheese addict.
The other day, I ate a whole POUND of cheese! I’ve done this too many times.
TMI alert…
After eating too much cheese, I’m not constipated. Quite the opposite! All the next day, in many cases.
Yet I’ve overdone cheese over and over. Even when it… backfires.
But I may have finally learned my lesson.
For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit https://carnivorebar.com/ and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY.
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit: http://cc.themeatofit.com.
#carnivorediet #dairyfree #cheeseaddict #organic #meat #redmeat #beef #seafood #salt #cheese #dairy #eggs #foodsensitivity #lifestyle #health #foodallergies #healthyliving #food #diet #keto #ketodiet #foodie #petfood #catfood #cats #cat #healthylifestyle #cooking #homecooking #vlog

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Robot Police in New York City? (Reaction to the Mayor)
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
NYC’s Mayor, Eric Adams, has announced that New York City will be testing more artificial intelligence technology in law enforcement: a robotic dog, a police patrol bot, and a GPS projectile shot from a bazooka onto vehicles to track them.
The mayor understands that these are creepy―especially the robots―and he doesn’t care!
Here’s my reaction to Eric’s press conference earlier this week.
More at: www.michaelanthony.video
#policestate #robot #NYC #NewYorkCity #NewYork #Manhattan #EricAdams #government #crime #lawenforcement #police #robots #cops #NYPD #technology #privacy #surveillance #NWO #dystopia #resist #GreatReset #USConstitution #freedom #Constitution #unconstitutional #politics #libertarian #RoboCop #Terminator #podcast

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
World Carnivore Month 2023 is here!
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
A rant of encouragement as we begin World Carnivore Month!
For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit https://carnivorebar.com/ and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY. Portable, shelf-stable bars made of 100% beef and fat with optional sea salt. Perfect for busy carnivores. Ideal for preppers, too!
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit: http://cc.themeatofit.com. Or get $100 in discounts off your 1st 3 orders as a new member! $25 of high-quality, local meat will then be shipped to me, as well. Let’s support small, local, sustainable, and humane ranches and farms. Thank you!
#worldcarnivoremonth #encouragement #comedy #health #diet #carnivore #carnivorediet #meat #nutrition #keto #vegan #plantbased #climate #sustainability #environment #medicalfreedom #BigPharma #politics #junkfood #lifestyle #weightloss #healthy #healthyfood #depression #obesity #mentalhealth #video #food #motivation

Friday Dec 09, 2022
5-Year Carnivore vs the War on Meat!
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
I’m celebrating 5 years of healing with a carnivore diet! Join me for an update on my experience―and a warning about the future of meat itself.
Topics include:
- How I started a carnivore diet.
- How my animal-based lifestyle ended decades of clinical depression, pre-diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism, bad cholesterol, knee pain, allergies, infections, and other consequences of chronic inflammation.
- What happened when I “cheated”―from catching colds to a debilitating toothache!
- The increasing war on meat, which includes government interference, corporate conspiracy, and the rising threat of globalism.
- How and why we can and must resist the accelerating attacks on our natural-born Liberty.
Eat meat and live free!
🌎 michaelanthony.video
For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit https://carnivorebar.com/ and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY. Portable, shelf-stable bars made of 100% beef and fat with optional sea salt. Perfect for busy carnivores. Ideal for preppers, too!
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit: http://cc.themeatofit.com. Or get $100 in discounts off your 1st 3 orders as a new member! $25 of high-quality, local meat will then be shipped to me, as well. Let’s support small, local, sustainable, and humane ranches and farms. Thank you!
#podcast #comedy #health #diet #carnivore #carnivorediet #meat #nutrition #keto #vegan #plantbased #climate #sustainability #environment #medicalfreedom #BigPharma #junkfood #lifestyle #weightloss #healthy #healthyfood #depression #obesity #video #food #politics #libertarian #globalism #resist #protest

Sunday Aug 07, 2022
NYC Carnivore Reacts to “Vegan” Mayor’s Speech to Teens
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
The mayor of New York City promotes and claims to “eat a plant-based-centered lifestyle,” whatever that means. He recently hosted a plant-based cooking event for teens in the city’s Summer Youth Employment Program, sharing his story and encouraging whole foods over Big Pharma.
Meanwhile, the same mayor’s mandate forces pharmaceuticals on these young people, their parents, and everyone else. (Except for celebrities!)
Tune in for my carnivore perspective on Eric Adams’s blind hypocrisy, medical miracles, hilarious flubs, and more!
For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit https://carnivorebar.com/ and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY. Portable, shelf-stable bars made of 100% beef and fat with optional sea salt. Perfect for busy carnivores. Ideal for preppers, too!
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit: http://cc.themeatofit.com. Or get $100 in discounts off your 1st 3 orders as a new member! $25 of high-quality, local meat will then be shipped to me, as well. Let’s support small, local, sustainable, and humane ranches and farms. Thank you!
🚀 http://odysee.themeatofit.com/
🎧 http://podcast.themeatofit.com/
🥊 http://rumble.themeatofit.com/
⏰ http://tiktok.themeatofit.com/
🥓 http://paypal.themeatofit.com/
🍖 http://patrons.themeatofit.com/
Nothing I say is medical advice, but I hope it helps you as you consult trusted resources and professionals.
#podcast #reaction #reactionvideo #comedy #health #diet #humor #politics #EricAdams #NYC #NewYorkCity #NewYork #carnivore #carnivorediet #meat #keto #vegan #plantbased #publichealth #medicalfreedom #BigPharma #junkfood #lifestyle #meatheals #speech

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
No Great Reset! (Electronic-Industrial Song)
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
An electronic-industrial track against “The Great Reset”―an open conspiracy between governments, corporations, and private organizations to control every aspect of our lives.
The Great Reset is a global initiative by the World Economic Forum, which aims to force all of humanity into technocratic slavery. Every step of the way, they propagandize us into enjoying our shackles.
But make no mistake. They want you to own nothing, eat fake meat, and live in virtual reality while your body festers in a cubicle.
Say no to “The Great Reset” and live in harmony with nature―not apart from it!
You can’t run. You can’t hide.
The “Revolution” is worldwide.
This isn’t the first time they’ve tried
to change us all from the inside.
They’ll starve you first, then feed you lies.
The heretics―they’ll criminalize.
Open your mind. Open your eyes.
These “saviors” may be our demise.
Music and Lyrics Copyright © 2022 Michaelanthony
#greatreset #thegreatreset #lyricvideo #musicvideo #music #electronicmusic #industrialmusic #worldeconomicforum #wewillnotcomply #davos #transhumanism #veganagenda #metaverse #eatmeat #nonewnormal #conspiracy
For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit https://carnivorebar.com/ and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY. Portable, shelf-stable bars made of 100% beef and fat with optional sea salt. Perfect for busy carnivores. Ideal for preppers, too!
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit: http://cc.themeatofit.com. Or get $100 in discounts off your 1st 3 orders as a new member! $25 of high-quality, local meat will then be shipped to me, as well. Let’s support small, local, sustainable, and humane ranches and farms. Thank you!
🚀 http://odysee.themeatofit.com/
🎧 http://podcast.themeatofit.com/

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
The mayor of New York City wants everyone to eat a “plant-based-centered” diet. Whatever that means. He claims that the more plant-based meals we eat, the healthier we are. He’s even spending taxpayer money to promote this lifestyle!
In a recent press conference, Adams discussed his plans to fight widespread diabesity through more lifestyle-based medicine. This could be helpful in theory. But as with all centralized government solutions, it results in even more misunderstandings and mistakes.
Here are my reactions to key moments in the conference. Much of it is venting, since this topic gets me worked up! But I try to share valuable information along the way.
Let’s combat some propaganda!
Eat meat and live free,
🌎 http://themeatofit.com
For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit https://carnivorebar.com/ and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY. Portable, shelf-stable bars made of 100% beef and fat with optional sea salt. Perfect for busy carnivores. Ideal for preppers, too!
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit: http://cc.themeatofit.com. Or get $100 in discounts off your 1st 3 orders as a new member! $25 of high-quality, local meat will then be shipped to me, as well. Let’s support small, local, sustainable, and humane ranches and farms. Thank you!
📺 http://yt.themeatofit.com/
🚀 http://odysee.themeatofit.com/
🎧 http://podcast.themeatofit.com/
🥊 http://rumble.themeatofit.com/
⏰ http://tiktok.themeatofit.com/

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Solitude and Silence
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Let’s share some solitude! As I hike through Queens, NYC, we’ll think about the interconnectedness of life, death, and their many forms. We’ll also take time to appreciate just… being.
Eat meat and get out into Nature,
Special thanks to my supporters on Patreon!
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit: http://cc.themeatofit.com. Or get $100 in discounts off your 1st 3 orders as a new member! $25 of high-quality, local meat will then be shipped to me, as well. Let’s support small, local, sustainable, and humane ranches and farms. Thank you!
For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit https://carnivorebar.com/ and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY. Portable, shelf-stable bars made of 100% beef and fat with optional sea salt. Perfect for busy carnivores. Ideal for preppers, too!
🚀 http://odysee.themeatofit.com/
🎧 http://podcast.themeatofit.com/
🥊 http://rumble.themeatofit.com/
⏰ http://tiktok.themeatofit.com/
🥓 http://paypal.themeatofit.com/
🍖 http://patrons.themeatofit.com/
Nothing I say is medical advice, but I hope it helps you as you consult trusted resources and professionals.

Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Life, Death, Meat.
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Watching the birds in the park, I pay special attention to the carnivores. Studying other animals can teach us so much about being human ― especially when they eat a similar diet! From hawks to herons, I’ve been learning plenty from the carnivorous birds in my corner of Queens, NYC.
This is a meditation on the tense harmony between life and death. As someone who eats animals and nothing else, I think and feel very deeply about my place in Nature. Let’s ruminate over this one together!
Eat meat and embrace vitality,
Special thanks to my supporters on Patreon!
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit: http://cc.themeatofit.com. Or get $100 in discounts off your 1st 3 orders as a new member! $25 of high-quality, local meat will then be shipped to me, as well. Let’s support small, local, sustainable, and humane ranches and farms. Thank you!
For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit https://carnivorebar.com/ and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY. Portable, shelf-stable bars made of 100% beef and fat with optional sea salt. Perfect for busy carnivores. Ideal for preppers, too!
🚀 http://odysee.themeatofit.com/
🎧 http://podcast.themeatofit.com/
🥊 http://rumble.themeatofit.com/
⏰ http://tiktok.themeatofit.com/
🥓 http://paypal.themeatofit.com/
🍖 http://patrons.themeatofit.com/
Nothing I say is medical advice, but I hope it helps you as you consult trusted resources and professionals.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
The Importance of Moving Your Body
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
I’ve been doing a LOT of running, jogging, walking, and biking. More than ever, moving my body has become an obsession! I even have a pulled hamstring, after just a few days ― and many miles, pushing myself hard and enjoying the challenge.
Since I had to slow down, it seemed like a good time to share this evolving passion with you. Let’s walk and talk about the importance of movement for the human animal!
How are you keeping active as the seasons change?
Eat meat and move your body,
P.S. The book I recommend in this video is Running and Being, by Dr. George Sheehan. A masterpiece of mind-body inspiration!
Special thanks to my supporters on Patreon!
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit: http://cc.themeatofit.com. Or get $100 in discounts off your 1st 3 orders as a new member! $25 of high-quality, local meat will then be shipped to me, as well. Let’s support small, local, sustainable, and humane ranches and farms. Thank you!
For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit https://carnivorebar.com/ and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY. Portable, shelf-stable bars made of 100% beef and fat with optional sea salt. Perfect for busy carnivores. Ideal for preppers, too!
🚀 http://odysee.themeatofit.com/
🎧 http://podcast.themeatofit.com/
🥊 http://rumble.themeatofit.com/
⏰ http://tiktok.themeatofit.com/
🥓 http://paypal.themeatofit.com/
🍖 http://patrons.themeatofit.com/
Nothing I say is medical advice, but I hope it helps you as you consult trusted resources and professionals.