A carnivore podcast about life, THE MEAT OF IT is a series of solo rants and unusual conversations hosted by Michaelanthony, an artist from NYC. Over 3 years into a 100% carnivore diet for better health ― on an individual and global level ― Michaelanthony shares his zero carb philosophy and everyday adventures with you and his guests. (The chats aren’t always between two carnivores, but they’re always between two freethinkers.) Animal-based nutrition saved Michaelanthony’s life. Now he’s sharing and learning as much as he can about the rest of life’s unexpected truths. Let’s do more than chew the fat. Let’s get to THE MEAT OF IT!

Friday Apr 02, 2021
Defending Natural Health (Carnivore Diet)
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
As the Excelsior Pass looms over NYC, I’m reflecting on the unspoken alternative: natural health.
This talk begins with a discussion of natural supplementation through both lifestyle and keto-friendly products.
I’ve been eating a lot of salmon roe, which is the lifestyle route. And grass-fed, grass-finished beef liver is the ultimate superfood, packing intensely bioavailable micronutrition. However, I’ve also started using electrolyte powder ― still all-natural, but stronger than mineral water. All of these are helping to further optimize my carnivore diet.
Here’s the mind-bleeping mountain goat video that got me to take electrolytes more seriously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG9TMn1FJzc!!!!!
I also discuss “The Great Reset,” recently re-branded as “The Davos Agenda” ― probably because people were creeped out by its totalitarian goals. If you think it’s just a baseless conspiracy theory, here’s their actual website: https://www.weforum.org/great-reset.
Remember: navigate all propaganda with caution. But it’s all there: the plans these plutocrats have for your life, whether you like it or not. They see your personal choices as either a nuisance or a threat.
We’re in the way of their goals to depopulate the planet, which is one of Bill Gates’ publicly-stated concerns. As strongly intimated here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozlbeXrb_5A
This is unabashed population control by billionaires, who are currently installing a digital form of feudalism. Countless small businesses have been destroyed, increasing the wealth of even fewer individuals and corporations. Corporatism, the more capitalistic face of fascism, is merging big business and government across the world.
It’s important to remember that these people have no authority over you. Nobody has authority over you but yourself, as long as you actively defend the rights with which you were born. Anyone who says otherwise is a bully. You can stand up to a bully, can’t you? Will you?
My apologies for the background noise. This was actually outside on a windy day. I did my best to clean up the audio.
Just near the end, my microphone cuts out. Sorry for that, too! I’ve also tried to make that snippet more audible.
Coming soon: interviews! More details on the way.
Thank you for watching and listening. Stay healthy and free!
For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order, visit https://www.crowdcow.com/l/ufezi5ovc2n. $25 of high-quality, local meat will then be shipped to me, as well. Thanks to everyone who has ordered!

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
World Wide Rally For Freedom NYC 2021 Highlights
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Highlights from the Worldwide Rally for Freedom in NYC, March 20, 2021. The event was held at Union Square.
As a lifelong New Yorker who attended high school around the corner from this very park, I am thrilled to share this moment in history with you. This is the moment NYC joined the world in defiance of tyranny!
There were some audio issues, but I did my best to make it all work together.
This is audio from the shorter edit of the event video. A much longer version is being uploaded to Odysee, Rumble, and BitChute. This shorter video should be available on YouTube.
Find my links at http://www.meatgoth.com/
00:00 Intro featuring African Forest Dance and Jennifer Bangs.
00:36 Jo, Rally Organizer, New York City World Wide Demonstration
02:46 Curtis Cost, Children’s Health Defense
04:48 Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense
05:44 John Gilmore, Children’s Health Defense, Autism Action Network
06:56 Vera Sharav, Holocaust Survivor, Alliance for Human Research Protection Founder/President
17:08 Lisa, Group Singing
17:55 Kevin Jenkins, Urban Global Health Alliance
22:52 Allison McDowell, Independent Activist
24:00 Harry Vox, Investigative Journalist
24:36 Matthew Grace, Activist & Author
26:20 Rodney, Activist
26:48 Cara Castronuova, Activist & Celebrity Fitness Trainer
29:23 Derrick Gibson, Republican Candidate for Governor of NY State
31:26 Mark “Skevich” Szuszkiewicz, Candidate for City Council (District 47, Brooklyn)
32:00 Mitchell Bosch, Veteran & Activist
32:27 Curtis, Activist
34:48 Kozi, Healthcare Worker
35:29 Kevin, Activist
35:53 Gary Null, Ph.D (via recording)
There was tension in a small section of the crowd at least twice during the event. One such moment occurred near the end of the rally. Nobody appeared to be seriously hurt. This was a peaceful demonstration.
Stay healthy and free!

Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Revenge of the Plants: Carnivore Diet Mistakes
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
“Oof! I shouldn’t have eaten that.
“Ugh. Shouldn’t have eaten that, either!”
Why do we crave foods that make us feel sick? More importantly, why do they make us ill in the first place?
For the past couple of days, I’ve spent hours in severe discomfort after eating too many jalapeño pork cracklin’ snacks. Along with a chorizo that, though very mild, nonetheless burned me in the literal end.
As many carnivores already know, this is because plants defend themselves with toxins and irritants. The spicy capsaicin in peppers, the pungent allicin in garlic ― these are there to kill small organisms and, hopefully, also deter larger creatures like us.
But humans actually LIKE the burning sensation, even though that kick is actually the plant fighting you off with a mild dose of death. Only birds are immune to the burn, so they are the animals responsible for spreading that plant’s seeds. Nature has it all worked out! And then we humans do our own weird thing, as usual.
This episode is a rant about the consequences of straying too far from Nature ― particularly when it comes to diet!
Get $25 to spend at Crowd Cow by visiting https://www.crowdcow.com/l/ufezi5ovc2n.
(Thanks! I'll get $25 there, too. This is not a sponsored video; they gave me an affiliate link for being a customer.)
You can see/buy my artwork at http://art.meatgoth.com!
00:36 Plant vs. animal food sensitivities; why plant foods cause more problems.
01:12 Why red meat from ruminant animals is so healthy!
03:00 A few reasons why plants are poor food for humans.
03:45 Why ruminant meats outshine others in nutrition, etc.
05:05 Reminder: Fiber is an irritant, not a nutrient!
05:45 Why YMMV with eggs and dairy.
08:13 How plants defend themselves against us with irritants and poisons.
09:49 The human tendency to crave toxic phytochemicals for their side effects.
10:12 My 6-mile snack run to and from Whole Foods!
11:01 Showing you the snacks I bought! (Hint: Not pork rinds. But you’re close…)
16:22 How capsaicin ― that spicy feel ― is designed to protect plants from us!
Plus: My nightmare after eating too many jalapeño pork cracklins!
18:13 Why the mild chorizo sausage I ate the next day made me feel sick ― again.
19:29 The nicotine in nightshade plant foods and the insulin resistance it causes.
20:23 Garlic and its stanky phytochemical, allicin. (Plus: How I ate raw garlic as a kid. By choice!)
22:20 Oxalates ― a quick reminder. (Look up Sally K. Norton!)
23:00 Why being more sensitive on a carnivore diet is a good thing, not a disadvantage.
(Hint: It’s good to notice when you’re being poisoned!)
24:32 Finding alternatives to snacks with dubious ingredients ― like too many spices!
24:52 Making my own snacks, including ground beef burger strips!
26:41 Aiming to source meat from the most humane, sustainable, local farms possible.
27:05 Optimal Carnivore grass-fed liver capsules ― a great option! (Also not a sponsor.)
28:24 My new art prints available now at http://art.meatgoth.com!
Take care out there!
【Social Media, etc.】
Mailing List: http://tribe.meatgoth.com
Podcast: https://themeatofit.podbean.com/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf6KKvTXvVzKru76pNbABhA
Meditativation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIz5NhyCaNNsbJw78-l_svA
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meatgoth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/themeatgoth
Patreon: https://patreon.com/MichaelanthonyM
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-564807
Music: http://www.the2ndlaw.com

Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Carnivore: More Vegan Than Vegan!
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
A carnivore lifestyle can actually be more humane and eco-friendly than veganism. It’s definitely healthier for us!
But what does that have to do with taking driving lessons in your late 30s? You might be surprised.
Here’s an outline of this week’s rant! Topics on this timeline may overlap.
00:53 An update on my driving lessons as a first-timer at age 37!
04:50 The mental health dangers of veganism and other unnatural lifestyle patterns.
06:34 The huge ethical hole in veganism’s cruelty-free claim.
07:30 How a carnivore diet can be kinder to animals than a vegan diet.
10:10 More about the mental and chronic illnesses that can be triggered by plant foods.
13:38 How veganism is unethical toward animals, unhealthy for the human animal, and bad for the environment.
14:25 How a carnivore diet makes natural nutrition simple ― along with recipes!
15:37 Protecting, defending, and continuing my natural lifestyle by fleeing the city for the wilderness.
16:18 The current pattern of abuse against and between humans worldwide.
18:29 A reminder that we, the people, are more powerful than the self-appointed aristocratic few.
20:08 Why I have to leave the city as soon as possible ― Part Two!
21:06 How to peacefully resist the current tide of tyranny. (Hint: Live your life!)
21:25 How carnivory is kinder to animals and the planet ― Part Two!
22:38 My transition from hopelessly urban to rugged outdoorsman, step by step ― so far.
Thanks for watching and listening!
📺https://youtu.be/iafqDTu60Jc 🥩
🥊https://rumble.com/vefbs7-carnivore-more-vegan-than-vegan.html 📺
【Social Media, etc.】
Mailing List: http://tribe.meatgoth.com
Podcast: https://themeatofit.podbean.com/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf6KKvTXvVzKru76pNbABhA
Meditativation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIz5NhyCaNNsbJw78-l_svA
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meatgoth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/themeatgoth
Patreon: https://patreon.com/MichaelanthonyM
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-564807
Music: http://www.the2ndlaw.com

Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Escape From NYC! (Crypto-Carnivore Style)
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Yet another lifelong New Yorker is finally leaving the city. That’s right ― I’m relocating!
Over the next few months, you’ll be witnessing my transformation from a coddled city boy into a green-in-every-way outdoorsman!
I’m currently so hopelessly urban that I’m in the process of getting my driver’s permit back. Not license ― permit! I need a permit to take driving lessons so that I can finally drive. I really should’ve done this twenty years ago. Regardless, it’s exciting!
My plan is to move upstate or out-of-state to a few acres of land, including hunting grounds and somewhere to go fishing. A carnivore homestead! I’ll be taking it step by step, though, so I’ll probably be ordering from local farms for a while.
And while I’m getting myself out of the city, I’m getting my savings into cryptocurrency! Mostly Bitcoin. Another way to vote with our dollars against an alarmingly centralized banking network that is losing all credibility.
This is not advice, but here’s where I’m investing my dough: land and Bitcoin.
Bill Gates is now the largest owner of farmland in the United States, and he doesn’t want us to eat meat. At least not the real, all-natural meat that we’ve been eating for hundreds of thousands of years. But I’m going to have my own piece of this great country, and it will be dedicated to a freer, more natural life.
So here’s to homesteading, cryptocurrency, and ― getting to the point ― liberty!
I hope that no matter your circumstances, you are finding every way possible to maximize your freedom. Because you were born free. The only rights we lack are the rights we give away. It’s time to take them back!
All this and more in my latest rant, which turned out much longer than expected. A full half-hour!
Plus, the video includes a picture of me at 12 years old on a hiking trail in Austria in 1996! (19:00)
Did I mention the pictures from when I recently made liver jerky? That’s at the very end. (27:21)
Thanks for watching and listening!
📺 https://youtu.be/AX2YgtewbO0 🥩
🥊https://rumble.com/ve7zl1-escape-from-nyc-crypto-carnivore-style.html 📺
【Social Media, etc.】
Mailing List: http://tribe.meatgoth.com
Podcast: https://themeatofit.podbean.com/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf6KKvTXvVzKru76pNbABhA
Meditativation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIz5NhyCaNNsbJw78-l_svA
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meatgoth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/themeatgoth
Patreon: https://patreon.com/MichaelanthonyM
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-564807
Music: http://www.the2ndlaw.com

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
This Carnivorous Life
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Introducing: 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙈𝙀𝘼𝙏 𝙊𝙁 𝙄𝙏, a carnivore podcast about life. A series of solo rants and unusual conversations!
In this podcast, I’ll be focusing more on the carnivore diet and lifestyle, but tying it into life’s everyday and big-picture perspectives.
Yes, I really, really had to change the title of my podcast again. This time, it’s for keeps. I swear!
This is also a video podcast, so be sure to watch on YouTube and Rumble for bonus content ― like pictures of my delicious food!
I’m excited to be making videos and carnivore content again, along with continuing the podcast.
My apologies for the audio quality this time; due to technical difficulties, the recording required extensive repairs. I felt the content was worth saving, and I hope you agree.
Thanks for listening ― and watching!
【Social Media, etc.】
Mailing List: http://tribe.meatgoth.com
Podcast: https://themeatofit.podbean.com/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf6KKvTXvVzKru76pNbABhA
Meditativation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIz5NhyCaNNsbJw78-l_svA
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meatgoth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/themeatgoth
Patreon: https://patreon.com/MichaelanthonyM
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-564807
Music: http://www.the2ndlaw.com

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
New Moon, New Life
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wowza, do I have some big news for you! Along with the usual deluge of thoughts about the meaning of life and our place in the Universe, of course.
As I mentioned last week, there have been some major changes in my life. This week, I’m telling you exactly what those big changes are!
00:15 Big update: I was able to quit my job to start a new life as a full-time artist!
01:51 The upcoming new moon and what this dark phase of the lunar cycle represents.
02:19 Synchronicities that occurred the day I lost my Mom.
04:21 Thoughts on new beginnings and the cycles of Nature.
05:34 Quick update: I’m single again, by choice ― and plan to stay that way.
06:15 Creating your own new reality, embracing your innate autonomy, and knowing your boundaries.
07:45 How looking at life as an adventure, even a game, makes us stronger.
09:52 Making big changes to achieve harmony with Nature on a personal and universal level.
12:43 Outro and a final word of encouragement.
Thanks for listening!
Stay inspired,
【Social Media, etc.】
Mailing List: http://tribe.meatgoth.com
Podcast: http://eurekamania.podbean.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meatgoth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/themeatgoth
Patreon: https://patreon.com/MichaelanthonyM
Gab: https://gab.com/meatgoth
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-564807
Music: http://www.the2ndlaw.com

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
(Re)Introduction: Follow Your Heart & Use Your Brain
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
After over a year, I'm finally podcasting again! I've been wanting to do this for a while. And this time, I have even bigger plans! And a new name for the show. Welcome to: Eurekamania!
Eurekamania is a series of rants and conversations about the epiphanies that inspire and torture us all. They can be everyday insights or life-changing revelations.
In solo episodes, I explore the universal meanings behind my personal experiences, doing my best to articulate the wisdom life is offering in those moments. I also goof around a lot! In conversations, I enjoy sharing wisdom and goofiness with someone else for your amusement and, hopefully, edification!
The first episode is more than an a reintroduction to the podcast. It's a meditation on the importance of being true to yourself. Here are the timestamps:
00:00 The new podcast name and what it means. (Hint: Eurekamania is synonymous with Epiphanitis.)
01:07 The challenges and liberation that come with having an epiphany and following your heart.
02:33 Aligning your intentions and actions to your true nature, and how that makes life easier.
05:18 Being true to yourself, and how that's helping me as a content creator.
06:09 Shadowbans, censorship, and alternative platforms.
07:18 My plans for future content creation and other projects!
08:38 Having the courage, patience, and self-compassion to listen to your feelings, and why all feelings are valid.
10:30 Thank yous and more excitement for the future!
11:19 Why I try to keep all of my content free to everyone, and what I try to provide.
14:18 Outro.
Thanks for listening!
Stay inspired,
【Social Media, etc.】
Mailing List: http://tribe.meatgoth.com
Podcast: https://eurekamania.podbean.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meatgoth
Twitter: https://twitter.com/themeatgoth
Patreon: https://patreon.com/MichaelanthonyM
Gab: https://gab.com/meatgoth
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-564807
Music: http://www.the2ndlaw.com

Friday Mar 01, 2019
Brett L. on the Carnivore Diet
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Brett L. is seven months into his journey from "carbivorous" obesity to healthy carnivory. Radiating joy and gratitude as always, he jumped right into the... yes, the meat of the conversation. We discuss his triumph over mental illness, the miracle of medical cannabis, liberation from medication, the importance of sharing personal stories, and much more. We really got into it and lost track of time! We hope this will help to inspire anyone looking for a more natural approach to deep healing.
Brett L.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheStickmann
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StickmanBleedin
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thankful.carnivore/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meat0sis/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/meat0sis
Patreon: https://patreon.com/MichaelanthonyM

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Epiphanitis Chat #1: Heather Height (Writer, Comedian, Dominatrix)
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Epiphanitis is back! This would have been the fifth episode, but it feels more like the first. So we’re starting over, at least numerically. Because instead of just me ranting, this is an actual conversation! I’ve been working toward this since the last episode, so it’s a relief to see the new vision manifesting.
My first guest is Heather Height: writer, comedian, dominatrix. Depending on the day, she’s one, two, or all at once! She is also a longtime friend, so I knew she would bring more tangents than I could ever hope for. So be prepared to play Rabbit-Hole Whack-a-Mole! Definitely one of my favorite games in the carnival of life.
It would be impossible to summarize our chat, so I’ll just give you a few talking points hastily scribbled as I listened again. Take a deep breath. We discussed: humanity’s relationship to the rest of our universe, the benefits of menopause, German Shepherd shenanigans, loving to learn, how liberal values have changed, how Heather’s late grandfather influenced her comedy, how the Internet is changing, diversity within the Church of Satan, “a biker bar full of circus freaks,” the changing nature of fame and public figures, crying over robot movies, and the excitement of turning 50 with endless possibilities. Whew. And there’s plenty more between!
For those of you averse to cussin’: there are a few obscenities sprinkled here and there. I’d call this PG-13. For language and some potentially sensitive subject matter.
There were, I must admit, numerous technical difficulties, which began well before we even hit the record button. On top of that, I had barely slept. So apologies for any quality issues, which should improve as I get the hang of this. And more sleep!
Thanks for listening and supporting. I hope you enjoy this as much as we did! As always, there is more to come.
Stay inspired,
Heather’s links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/heatherheight
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcwY5-cdc4FxYklczIh84EQ
Michaelanthony’s links:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/meat0sis
Twitter: https://twitter.com/meat0sis
Patreon: https://patreon.com/MichaelanthonyM
Intro music: http://www.the2ndlaw.com